

Clears the run history from the synchronization service


Clear-RunHistory [[-BeforeDate] <Nullable`1[DateTime]>] [<CommonParameters>]

Clear-RunHistory [[-DaysToKeep] <Nullable`1[Int32]>] [<CommonParameters>]


The Clear-RunHistory cmdlet allows you to clear the Synchronization Service's run history. You can clear all runs, all runs older than a specified date, or all runs older than a specified number of days


-DaysToKeep <Nullable`1[Int32]>

Specifies the number of days of run history to keep

-BeforeDate <Nullable`1[DateTime]>

Specifies the date of the latest run that will be deleted from the server. Runs after this specified date and time are preserved


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.


Clear the entire run history

PS C:\> Clear-RunHistory

Using the Clear-RunHistory cmdlet with no parameters will clear the entire run history from the server

Clear runs older than specified number of days

PS C:\> Clear-RunHistory -DaysToKeep 2

Clears all items in the run history older than 2 days

Clears run history older than the specified date

PS C:\> Clear-RunHistory "2016-01-01"

Clears all runs older than January 1, 2016

Last updated