

Performs a synchronization on a connector space object


Sync-CSObject [-CSObject] <CSObject> [-Commit] [-Delta] [<CommonParameters>]


The Sync-CSObject cmdlet performs a synchronization preview of a full or delta synchronization, and optionally can commit those changes to the metaverse


-CSObject <CSObject>

The connector space object to synchronize

-Commit <SwitchParameter>

Specifies that the preview should be committed to the metaverse after being generated

-Delta <SwitchParameter>

Specifies that a delta synchronization should be performed. A full synchronization is performed unless this switch is specified


This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer, PipelineVariable, and OutVariable. For more information, see about CommonParameters.


Perform a full synchronization preview

This command show will perform a sync preview of the specified connector space object. The resulting preview information is returned and can then be examined.

PS C:\> $cs = Get-CSObject -RDN "CN=John Smith" -MA "ADMA"
Sync-CSObject $cs
CSOperation        : disconnected
MVOperation        : disconnected
CSObject           : 14
MVObject           : cfa22df7-ae07-e611-b778-005056b50bb9
ImportFlowRules    :
MVChanges          : {CFA22DF7-AE07-E611-B778-005056B50BB9}
JoinResult         :
ProvisioningResult : Lithnet.Miiserver.Client.ProvisioningResult
MVDeletionDetails  : dont-delete-wrong-ma
AttributeRecalls   : Lithnet.Miiserver.Client.MVRecall
FilterRules        : Lithnet.Miiserver.Client.FilterRules
Exports            : {d1a22df7-ae07-e611-b778-005056b50bb9, d0a22df7-ae07-e611-b778-005056b50bb9}
Error              :

Perform a delta synchronization preview

PS C:\> $cs = Get-CSObject -RDN "CN=John Smith" -MA ACMA
Sync-CSObject $cs -Delta

Commit a full synchronization preview

PS C:\> $cs = Get-CSObject -RDN "CN=John Smith" -MA ACMA
Sync-CSObject $cs -Commit

Commit a delta synchronization preview

PS C:\> $cs = Get-CSObject -RDN "CN=John Smith" -MA ACMA
Sync-CSObject $cs -Commit -Delta

Commit a full synchronization preview using the pipeline

PS C:\> Get-CSObject -RDN "CN=John Smith" -MA ACMA | Sync-CSObject -Commit 

Commit a full synchronization preview on pending exports in a connector space

PS C:\> Get-PendingExports -MA ACMA | Sync-CSObject -Commit 

Last updated