
Namespace: Lithnet.Ecma2Framework

The ProducerConsumerImportProvider class provides a base class for import providers that use a producer-consumer pattern.

This class provides a simple implementation of the producer-consumer pattern, and allows the developer to focus on the import logic, rather than the threading logic. Implementers implement the mandatory methods that enumerate the raw objects of type TObject, and provide the logic to convert these objects into CSEntryChange objects. The provider takes care of constructing the CSEntryChanges and passing them back to the sync engine.

public abstract class ProducerConsumerImportProvider<TObject> : IObjectImportProvider

Type Parameters

TObject The type of object that the provider will enumerate

Inheritance ObjectProducerConsumerImportProvider<TObject> Implements IObjectImportProvider



Gets a value indicating whether the provider can import objects of the specified type

public abstract Task<bool> CanImportAsync(SchemaType type)


type SchemaType The type of object to be imported


Task<Boolean> if the provider can import the object, otherwise


Initializes the object import provider. This method is called once at the start of an import operation

public Task InitializeAsync(ImportContext context)


context ImportContext The context of the operation


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation

GetCSEntryChangesAsync(SchemaType, ICSEntryChangeCollection, String, CancellationToken)

public Task GetCSEntryChangesAsync(SchemaType type, ICSEntryChangeCollection collection, string watermark, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


type SchemaType

collection ICSEntryChangeCollection

watermark String

cancellationToken CancellationToken



GetOutboundWatermark(SchemaType, CancellationToken)

public abstract Task<string> GetOutboundWatermark(SchemaType type, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


type SchemaType

cancellationToken CancellationToken



OnFinalizeCsEntryChangeAsync(CSEntryChange, CancellationToken)

A method that is called when the CSEntryChange has been completed, but before it is returned to the sync engine. Override this method to inspect or modify the CSEntryChange before it is returned to the sync engine

protected Task OnFinalizeCsEntryChangeAsync(CSEntryChange csentry, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


csentry CSEntryChange The CSEntryChange object that has been created

cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation

OnPrepareCSEntryChangeAsync(CSEntryChange, CancellationToken)

A method that is called when the CSEntryChange has been created, but before any attribute changes have been added to it. Override this method to inspect or modify the CSEntryChange before any attributes have been added to it

protected Task OnPrepareCSEntryChangeAsync(CSEntryChange csentry, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


csentry CSEntryChange The CSEntryChange object that has been created

cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation

PrepareObjectForImportAsync(TObject, CancellationToken)

A method that is called when the object has been retrieved from the source, but before it is converted into a CSEntryChange object. Override this method to inspect or modify the object before it is converted into a CSEntryChange object

protected Task PrepareObjectForImportAsync(TObject item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


item TObject The object that has been retrieved from the source

cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


A method that is called when the provider is initialized, but before any objects are retrieved from the source. Override this method to perform any initialization logic

protected Task OnInitializeAsync()


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


A method that is called when the provider is initialized, but before any objects are retrieved from the source. Override this method to perform any initialization logic required to start producing objects

protected Task OnStartProducerAsync()


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


A method that is called when the provider has finished producing objects. Override this method to perform any cleanup logic required after all objects have been produced

protected Task OnCompleteProducerAsync()


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


A method that is called when the provider has started consuming objects. Override this method to perform any initialization logic required to start consuming objects

protected Task OnStartConsumerAsync()


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


A method that is called when the provider has finished consuming objects. Override this method to perform any cleanup logic required after all objects have been consumed and the provider is about to be terminated

protected Task OnCompleteConsumerAsync()


Task A task that represents the asynchronous operation


Gets the list of AnchorAttributes for the specified object

protected abstract Task<List<AnchorAttribute>> GetAnchorAttributesAsync(TObject item)


item TObject The object to get the AnchorAttributes for


Task<List<AnchorAttribute>> A list of AnchorAttributes

CreateAttributeChangeAsync(SchemaAttribute, ObjectModificationType, TObject, CancellationToken)

Creates an AttributeChange object for the specified attribute

protected abstract Task<AttributeChange> CreateAttributeChangeAsync(SchemaAttribute type, ObjectModificationType modificationType, TObject item, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


type SchemaAttribute The schema attribute to create the AttributeChange for

modificationType ObjectModificationType The modification type of the object

item TObject The object to create the AttributeChange from

cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token


Task<AttributeChange> An AttributeChange represnting the specified attribute, or null if there are no changes to the attribute provided


Gets the DN of the specified object. This will be used to populate the DN property of the CSEntryChange

protected abstract Task<string> GetDNAsync(TObject item)


item TObject The item to return the DN of


Task<String> The DN that will be used in the CSEntryChange

GetObjectsAsync(String, CancellationToken)

Gets the objects to be imported.

protected abstract IAsyncEnumerable<TObject> GetObjectsAsync(string watermark, CancellationToken cancellationToken)


watermark String The watermark value provided by the management agent after its last successful import

cancellationToken CancellationToken A cancellation token


IAsyncEnumerable<TObject> An enumerable of objects to be imported


Gets the modification type of the specified object. This will be used to determine the object modification type of the CSEntryChange

protected abstract Task<ObjectModificationType> GetObjectModificationTypeAsync(TObject item)


item TObject The object to get the modification type of


Task<ObjectModificationType> The modification type of the object

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