Sets the properties of a device registration key
None (Default)
Copy Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey -Id <String> [-Name <String>] [-ActivationLimit <Int32>] [-ResetActivationCount]
Copy Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey -Id <String> [-Name <String>] [-Enable] [-ActivationLimit <Int32>]
[-ApprovalRequired] [-ResetActivationCount] [<CommonParameters>]
Copy Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey -Id <String> [-Name <String>] [-Enable] [-ActivationLimit <Int32>]
[-ApprovalNotRequired] [-ResetActivationCount] [<CommonParameters>]
Copy Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey -Id <String> [-Name <String>] [-Disable] [-ActivationLimit <Int32>]
[-ApprovalRequired] [-ResetActivationCount] [<CommonParameters>]
Copy Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey -Id <String> [-Name <String>] [-Disable] [-ActivationLimit <Int32>]
[-ApprovalNotRequired] [-ResetActivationCount] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet allows you to set the properties of a device registration key
Example 1
Copy PS C:\ > Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey - Id 'b88313dd-fafb-406f-8909-cac0c17c58e3' - Name "My new name" - ResetActivationCount
Changes the name of an activation key and resets its activation count
Example 2
Copy PS C:\ > Get-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey - Name "Head office device key" | Set-AmsDeviceRegistrationKey - Disable
Gets a registration key by its name and disables it.
Specifies the number of times the key can be used
Copy Type : Int32
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Specifies that devices can register without additional approval
Copy Type : SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets : EnableApprovalNotRequired, DisableApprovalNotRequired
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Specifies that administrator approval is required for devices using this key
Copy Type : SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets : EnableApprovalRequired, DisableApprovalRequired
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Indicates if the key should be disabled
Copy Type : SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets : DisableApprovalRequired, DisableApprovalNotRequired
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Indicates if the key should be enabled
Copy Type : SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets : EnableApprovalRequired, EnableApprovalNotRequired
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
The ID of the key
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : True
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : True (ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters : False
The name of the key
Copy Type : String
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
Specifies if the activation count of this key should be reset
Copy Type : SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets : (All)
Aliases :
Required : False
Position : Named
Default value : None
Accept pipeline input : False
Accept wildcard characters : False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters .
Use of this cmdlet requires an Enterprise Edition license.