Setting up smart card authentication

The default implementation of smart card/certificate support requires that the certificate contain a subject alternative name (SAN) containing the user's UPN in order for them to successfully log on.

You can also enable support for Active Directory altSecurityIdentities, to support certificates without a UPN.

The caveat with this implementation is that this only works in the forest that the AMS service is located within. As web-based certificate authentication happens at the TLS level, AMS is unable to prompt for a username or domain hint. Therefore, AMS can only search the local global catalog for the altSecurityIdentity values.

In line with the Microsoft implementation for altSecurityIdentities, AMS searches the directory for a user match in the following order


(*) Use of these altSecurityIdentity types requires that certificate issuer validation against the NT Auth store is enabled

Enabling altSecurityIdentities Support

First, ensure you save and close any instances of the Access Manager Configuration Tool.

Then navigate to the AMS config file, usually located at C:\Program Files\Lithnet\Access Manager Service\config\appsettings.json

Locate the ClientCert element, and set the IdentityResolutionMode value to one of the following values



Default behavior (equivalent to UpnSan)


Find the user using the UPN located in the certificate's subject alternative names. If the UPN is not present, or no match can be found in the directory, the user login is denied


Find the user using the altSecurityIdentities attribute. If no match can be found, the user login is denied

UpnSan, AltSecurityIdentities

First, attempt to find the user using the UPN located in the certificate's subject alternative names. If the UPN is not present, or no match can be found in the directory, try to find the user using the altSecurityIdentities attribute. If no match can be found, the user login is denied. Note that the order of these values does not matter. The UPN check will always be performed first.


"ClientCert": {
      "RequiredEkus": [],
      "ValidationMethod": "NtAuthStore",
      "RequireSmartCardLogonEku": true,
      "TrustedIssuers": [],
      "IdentityResolutionMode": "UpnSan, AltSecurityIdentities"

Last updated