There are three ways to create reference values in your XML files.
Using a known Object ID
If you know the Object ID of an object in the FIM service, you can reference the Object ID directly. The following example shows adding the built-in administrator to the membership of a set
If you have a resource defined in your XML file as a ResourceOperation element, you can reference the ResourceObject instead, and the tool will automatically populate the reference attribute with the correct Object ID using an AttributeOperation with a type of xmlref
Referencing an object that exists in the FIM Service
If you know that an object exists in the FIM service (such as an object-of-box object), you can reference it directly using the reference type on the AttributeOperation element. The following example sets the ExplicitMember attribute of one object to a reference to the "Administrators" built-in set.
You can dereference a ResourceOperation and get one of the attributes contained in the object using a special variable syntax using the format ##xmlref:<xmlrefid>:<attribute name>##. In the following example we define a Workflow definition with its known display name