<AnchorAttribute> element

The <AnchorAttribute> element defines an attribute that defines an anchor, or primary key for the resource. At least one <AnchorAttribute> element is required for each ResourceOperation. Anchor attributes must have a corresponding AttributeOperation element. The AttributeOperation is allowed to have an operation type of 'none' (provided the operation is not an 'add'), but must be present for all operations.


<ResourceOperation operation="Add Update" resourceType="Set" id="demoSet">
      <AttributeOperation operation="replace" name="DisplayName">___Demo Set</AttributeOperation>
      <AttributeOperation operation="replace" name="Description">Contains all the test users for the purpose of this demo</AttributeOperation>
       <AttributeOperation operation="replace" name="Filter" type="filter">/Person[starts-with(AccountName, 'testuser')]</AttributeOperation>
<ResourceOperation operation="Delete" resourceType="Set" id="demoSet">
      <AttributeOperation operation="none" name="DisplayName">___Demo Set</AttributeOperation>

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