

The Get-Resource cmdlet allows you retrieve a single object from the FIM Service.

Note, that this cmdlet will throw a TooManyResults exception if more than one object is returned from an anchor attribute/value pair search. To return multiple objects, use the Search-Resources cmdlet.


Get-Resource -ID <object> [-AttributesToGet <string[]>] [-Locale <string>]
Get-Resource -ObjectType <string> -AttributeName <string> -AttributeValue <object> [-AttributesToGet <string[]>] [-Locale <string>]
Get-Resource -ObjectType <string> -AttributeValuePairs<Hashtable> [-AttributesToGet <string[]>] [-Locale <string>]



Used to retrieve an object based on its object ID. This can be a string, a GUID, or a reference attribute obtained from another object


The name of the object type to query


The name of the anchor attribute to query with


The value of the anchor attribute to query with


A hashtable of attribute and value pairs that uniquely identify the object


Optional. A list of attributes that should be retrieved for the object. If this value is omitted, then all attributes for the resource are returned


Optional. Specifies the language code of the culture to localize the representation of the resource in. This requires the appropriate language packs to be installed on the FIM/MIM Service. e.g en-US, de-de, ja-jp, es-es, it-it.


Get a resource by its object ID

Get-Resource -ID '7fb2b853-24f0-4498-9534-4e10589723c4'

Get a Person using its AccountName attribute

$obj = Get-Resource -ObjectType Person -AttributeName AccountName -AttributeValue testuser

Get a Person using a primary key attribute, returning selected attributes

# Get a Person using its AccountName attribute, and uses the AttributesToGet parameter to return only the JobTitle attribute
$obj = Get-Resource -ObjectType Person -AttributeName AccountName -AttributeValue testuser -AttributesToGet JobTitle

Get a Person using the AccountName and domain anchor pair

$obj = Get-Resource -ObjectType Person -AttributeValuePairs @{AccountName = "testuser"; Domain="fim-dev1"}

Gets the localized representation of a resource

# Gets the display name of the "Display Name" attribute, in Italian
$obj = Get-Resource -ObjectType AttributeTypeDescription -AttributeName Name -AttributeValue DisplayName -Locale it-IT

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