This cmdlet allows you to modify the properties of an authorization rule, such as updating the target of the rule, adding and removing authorized users, and configuring LAPS and JIT settings.
Targets the rule to the `AccountingServers` AD group
The object ID of a Microsoft Entra computer
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to a Microsoft Entra computerAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The object ID of a Microsoft Entra group
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to a Microsoft Entra groupAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The tenant ID of a registered Microsoft Entra tenant
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to a Microsoft Entra tenant, Set the rule target to a Microsoft Entra group, Set the rule target to a Microsoft Entra computerAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The fully qualified name or SID of an Active Directory computer
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to an AD computerAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The DN of an Active Directory container object such as an organizational unit
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to an AD containerAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The fully qualified name or SID of an Active Directory group
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to an AD groupAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the allow BitLocker access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the allow JIT access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the allow LAPS access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the allow LAPS history access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny BitLocker access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny JIT access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny LAPS access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny LAPS history access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The object ID of an AMS-registered computer
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to an AMS computerAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
The SID of an AMS group
Type:StringParameter Sets:Set the rule target to an AMS groupAliases:Required:TruePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Specifies that the AMS service should not attempt to use the target computer's DCLocator service to find a domain controller to perform the JIT operation against
Principals to add to the allow RapidLAPS elevation access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the allow RapidLAPS login access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny RapidLAPS elevation access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to add to the deny RapidLAPS login access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to remove from the allow RapidLAPS elevation access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to remove from the allow RapidLAPS login access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to remove from the deny RapidLAPS elevation access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
Principals to remove from the deny RapidLAPS login access list
Type:Object[]Parameter Sets:Modify the rule ACLAliases:Required:FalsePosition:NamedDefault value:NoneAccept pipeline input:FalseAccept wildcard characters:False
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.