Sets one or more AMS host configuration parameters
This cmdlet allows you to specify settings that apply to the specific host where the cmdlet is run. These settings are not shared between hosts in a farm, and must be set on each individual AMS server where appropriate.
Note, you must restart the service after making changes with this cmdlet for those changes to take effect.
Example 1 - Enable Access Manager Agent support
This example enables the AMS agent API, specifying a hostname of "ams.lithnet.local". This is the hostname that agents use to connect to the service, and must match exactly what is configured on the client side.
Example 2 - Turn off the Web app
This example disables the web app, preventing user access.
Example 3 - Modify the log location
This example changes the log location to "C:\Logs\AMS"
The path where the applications config files are stored
The connection string used to connect to the database
The path where the applications log files are stored
Skips the process of validating the connection string. Used when the user performing the action does not have access to the database itself
Enables or disables the web app
Sets the external hostname for the service. This is the hostname that agents use to connect to the service, and must match exactly what is configured on the client side.
Enables or disables agent access to this service
Enables or disables remote management of this service (Requires enterprise edition license). Please note there are security implications to enabling remote management. Ensure that the use of PS remoting, named pipes and SMB is appropriately restricted to trusted hosts
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters.
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